2 oz = 40 Cups of Tea
Elderflower, Elderberry and Tulsi in one cup. Say hello to a new favorite, Tulsi Time Tea. Enjoy the elderflower and elderberry, with just a hint of mint, in every cup. The flowers and berries of the Elder plant have a long list of antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. Tulsi (aka Sacred Basil or Holy Basil) has been used for centuries in Aryuvedic healing to protect against bacterial, fungicidal and viral infections and reduce inflammation. Many customers claim this as their hands down favorite during allergy season.
This 2 oz package will yield approximately 40 cups of tea when used as directed. To avoid the toxic chemicals found in most manufactured tea bags, our elderberry and elderflower teas are sold loose leaf. Ships in re-closable, airtight packaging. Crafted with care, from our Oklahoma farm to you, because you deserve our best!
Tulsi Time Tea
At 360 Farms, we control the quality from start to finish. We produce, process, and package all products exclusively on our Oklahoma farm. There's never a question regarding the freshness or origin of our products, and absolutely no added water, sugar, fillers or additives.
The elderberry & elderflower are harvested from pesticide/herbicide free orchards and our aquaponic greenhouse is used for year round production of any added medicinal herbs. We always process following GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) standards.